222 is a heavy energy number, it's strong. It's the number of the master builder and the high priestess. It symbolizes ancient wisdom, visions, and transformation. It's a number of change that equals growth, and that's how we build.
222 also carries energies of balance, awareness, harmony, peace, major life choices, commitment, trust, compromise, and cooperation. When you think about the number two, you realize it's the first sign of balance and collaboration in the universe. Had the creator stopped at one, there would be nothing to balance or cooperate with.
That's why 222 is heavy on compromise and cooperation. Your spirit guides may be sending a message that you need to collaborate more or work on your ability to compromise/be in harmony with other people. Consider how your decisions affect others and the overall harmony of everyone around you.
Of course, this also points to being in harmony with yourself. We want to make sure we are in balance and aligned with what we truly want. We want to make sure that everything we're feeling, thinking, saying, and doing, is aligned with our spiritual team and our purpose of creation. We want to make sure we're in harmony with the universe, flowing freely through life. Seeing this number may be calling you to analyze where you've been going against the flow and see where changes need to be made.
This number is also big on trust. Why? Because it takes trust to be able to harmonize with other people and trust their ideas or decisions. It takes trust to forgo your egotistic desires and align with your true reason for being and align with what you spiritual team has for you. It takes trust to go after your dreams, it takes trust to build and grow. Your spiritual team is asking you to release attachment to control each outcome and trust.
With that being said, your team wants you to do things that cultivate trust. Stay consistent with your actions, affirmations, and visualizations. Maintain perseverance that everything you've been working towards will manifest. Keep focusing on building and collaborating. Remaining in this energy will help you stay motivated and have trust that you are doing exactly what you're supposed to, to get where you're going.
As mentioned earlier, 222 is the number of ancient wisdom and the high priestess. The high priestess is the person that goes into their cocoon and looks withing to grow. Your team is telling you that you have the ability to access ancient wisdom through inner wisdom. By looking within, you receive divine intelligence, which also helps to build your trust and harmony with yourself, your team, and everyone around you.
To sum it up, 222 is asking you to harmonize your overall being and trust that the positive decisions you're making are the right ones. You just have to make sure you are choosing the decisions that will help shape your life: get in balance with your soul's destiny and what your spiritual team has for you. Look within to access divine wisdom and expand your inner self Remember to collaborate and cooperate with others and the universe because that's why all of this is here and why all of this is happening: to help us reach our purpose of creation.