Have More Fun!
This number tells us to make our life more child-like! Angel number 333 wants us to remember to have more fun going through everyday life and to not take adulting too seriously. Today we've got a couple of tips and tricks for easy ways to relax a bit more, find play in everything you do, as well as talk about some of the other messages 333 can be trying to send you!
One of the first messages I realized my spirit guides were trying to communicate with me was that they were here; they were listening, had heard my prayers, and were in action working with me. I knew this to be true because one time when I came out of meditation I unlocked my phone and saw 333. I immediately looked up its meaning and the first thing shown to me was that it meant the ascended masters had heard my prayers and were moving in action to help with what I'd just meditated and asked for guidance on.
I say all of this to say that is the main thing I can take away regarding being able to decipher the meanings of angel numbers. Recall what you were thinking, feeling, or doing in the moment that you see the angel number; get quiet and listen to what is said to you from within. Don't be ashamed to look it up and see what renowned numerologists have researched and deciphered about the number; research is how we learn and gain knowledge, take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Another meaning of 333 can be that you need to communicate more and open up your throat chakra - it can be a reminder that most things can be solved when you communicate and advocate for yourself regardless of how scary it may be. Open up that throat chakra and practice communicating your true feelings and intentions with those around you. It can also be a message to communicate as in get social more, go out with friends, celebrate life and don't leave anything undone or unsaid!
That brings us to our last message 333 sends which is to make life more play and get more creative in everything you do! To get back in touch with your childish, playful side and not take yourself and other things too seriously. This is an amazing way at working to heal your inner child too. This can be as simple as just doing things you used to love to do as a kid: playing basketball, going to arcades, having a party; getting back into different hobbies like photography, musical production, or painting perhaps.
Remember that being adult doesn't mean that fun and games, you know, joy, just disappears. Make everything play like dancing and singing around the house as you clean. Stay lighthearted at the office as much as you can and find ways to make things as fun, relaxed, and as easy going as possible. You can accomplish all of your goals and have a great time doing it.